A digital marketing guru is one who dominates the social media scene. This is someone who can create a lasting presence, and who can sell virtually any product, topic, brand or idea—however crazy it may seem! What better way to achieve this than by posting a single picture? If you can capture your audience’s attention and get a message across with just a single picture, you may just have a true talent.

Instagram is arguably one of—if not the—most influential social media platforms that has the possibility of doing just this. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Judge for yourself, as we present to you our top 10 digital media gurus that you should be following, and why it would totally be worth your time for active users. Here they are, the top digital marketing gurus and social media influencers on Instagram.

1. Maria Forleo

We’re going to bring out the big guns with our first digital media guru. Maria Forleo is, let’s face it, not just one of the most influential Instagram gurus, but the queen of marketing influencers. When you click on her Instagram, it seems impressive. Over 350,000 followers, empowering quotes, business advice, stunning selfies… you get the idea. Then you find out that she’s an entrepreneur, a CEO, a writer, and a host of a web television show, Marie TV. If that wasn’t enough, she has been named by Oprah as a “thought leader for the next generation.” If knowing and being respected by Oprah isn’t the way to win me over and get my attention (and thousands of Instagram users), I don’t know what is.


2. Tierra Wilson

What’s that?  You wanted another digital marketing queen up next? Don’t mind if we do! Tierra Wilson gets it when it comes to promoting her business, her brand, and who she is as a person, all achieved by posting a single photo on her Instagram. She’s a brand strategist, a motivator, an entrepreneur, and, on top of all that, she creates new motivational videos on building your business three times a week. Plus, her boss selfies and photography style are enough to fill your Instagram feed with its daily dose of stunning.


3. TheAtList

Want an Instagram account where you can see multiple kings and queens of the digital media world in one glance? Look no further! This account combines a ton of amazing Australian digital media influencers like The Coffee Gent’s Jared Timothy, style consultant Benn Bromley, and Sarah Ellen of Perks of Her. Scroll through TheAtList’s Instagram for inspiration, some strategic product placement, and, of course, photos of beautiful people and scenery.


4. Xenia Soares

I have one question for this lady. HOW has her Instagram not been seen by more people?! Ms. Xenia Soares is not only a writer and a blog queen but a hotel travel writer. Oh yeah, as well as an editor and marketing writer who engages her target audience so magnificently. So, basically the best job ever! This lady is a digital marketing genius, finding beautiful nooks and crannies of hotels all over the world, and using single photos to capture their unique beauty in her own way. If I didn’t want to go explore some unique hotels on every corner of the earth before, I do now (but we both know I already wanted to).


5. Alex Lawless

Alex Lawless…say hello to another master. Take one quick swipe through her Instagram, and tell me you have not landed in a magical world full of confetti, flowers, candy, Starbucks, and any and all things girly. Both my eight-year-old self and my (never you mind) self were literally tickled pink by her feed. Ms. Lawless is a branding coach and graphic designer and is another digital media marketing master that nowhere near enough people yet know about. Her Instagram is seriously self-empowering and honestly makes me want to find something to hire her for, whether I need it or not. That, my friends, is the mark of a true digital marketing genius.


6. Clear Bags

Okay, hear me out. Yes, number six is a company that designs plastic bags, in an article about the top digital marketing gurus to follow on Instagram. However, the way that Clear Bags markets their products on their Instagram page is pure genius. They collect and post photos of the absolute cutest products that anyone can ever make, all wrapped in their Clear Bags packaging. Basically, they have the most creative customers ever. Also, the vast majority of the products they post pictures of are of baked goods, so don’t scroll through their feed when you’re hungry. I have to say, these photos have got me thinking that if I buy their bags, I’ll become a creative baking genius too, so why should I not give them a shot?


7. Karissa Sparke

I’m going to give you the lowdown on Karissa Sparke, and you tell me she isn’t a digital marketing guru genius. She traveled Europe for five months in a van. While doing so, she got paid to advertise clothes, jewelry, locations, and experiences and post them on her Instagram. She gained over 66,000 followers in doing so. To sum up, her five-month European trip got funded because she’s a digital marketing icon, who can sell anything that’s put in front of her—because she knows how to do so with a single image. Queen!


8. Tara Milk Tea

I guaranTEA (get it?) that you’ve never seen an Instagram like Tara Milk Tea’s before. It’s no surprise whatsoever that she has gained over 1.2 million followers on Instagram for her insane digital media marketing skills. With her incredibly colorful, intricate, stunning photographs, I have yet to think of one thing that this girl would not be able to sell. If you take one quick glance at her Instagram page, you will know why any brand would want a part of her unique digital marketing strategies. Try not to get lost in her feed, I dare you.


9. Jack Morris

Mr. Jack Morris of doyoutravel is a new type of digital marketing king. Not only does he take incredible photos, but he edits his Instagram photos with his own preset filters, which you have the option of purchasing right on his Instagram page. He has also created a website just for these preset Instagram filters. With 2.8 million followers, you can bet that more than a few of them have believed that they could become professional photographers with just the right filter! Definitely a unique and effective digital marketing strategy. Have a look at Jack’s Instagram feed for some breathtaking travel photos.


10. Andrew Knapp

Andrew Knapp has found his own unique way of leaving his digital marketing footprint on Instagram, and it involves his adorable pup Momo. This Instagram account primarily stars his border collie, who travels everywhere with him. We all know that nobody can resist the lure of travel photos with amazing views, and why not add a precious pup on top of it? With both brand deals who want in on the magic and an upcoming book in the mix, it’s safe to say that Andrew has pleased the digital marketing gods!


So who’s your favorite Instagrammer?

Which people, brands, or companies, in your opinion, have got their strategy figured out?  How can you implement their tactics into your strategy?  Never underestimate the power of a good photo with a solid caption!

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