As a company, you want to be able to be the first website that comes up in Google’s search engine. Ideally, you’re aiming to be on Google’s first page.
The first page results contain the pages with the most traffic and which hold the highest readership click rate, which makes it so significant in terms of content marketing.
Significance of Google First Page
Why is being on Google first page so important? Many people tapping through Google’s search engine will more often than not stick to scrolling through the first page for what they are looking for. Being on Google’s first page allows you to stay on top of your competition and better yet–reach more users.
Not only does being on the Google first page mean you are on top of other users, but the ranking is dependent on click-rate. The higher you are on the first page list the more users that click on your website.
Many companies will compete with each other for the top spot which showcases the legitimacy of their company because Google’s algorithm is made to put spam and low-quality content at the bottom.
Why You Can’t Guarantee a Place on Google First Page
There are a multitude of platforms online that can “guarantee the 1st ranking” spot on Google’s First Page. Although they can probably help you augment your site these SEO (search engine optimization) companies cannot guarantee that you are able to stay at the top of Google first page.
The most important part of maintaining that first page status is to make your website something that people will want to visit and click on. Google’s algorithm is made to weed out the low-quality and spam-like sites and put them at the bottom.
It’s important to realize that the Google first page ranking is unstable–there is a constant fluctuation because Google is always changing their search algorithm depending on what people are looking up the most.
SEO Company’s Guaranteed Rankings
As a small company, ranking on Google first page is important for the amount of exposure one would receive. SEO companies will guarantee you that they will be able to place you where you want but for how long is always the question.
Many SEO companies hoping to make a quick dollar will promise Google first page but will fail to tell you for how long you will be ranked for–understand the instability of the ranking process and consider your options first.
It’s important to note that reputable companies will not make promises such as guaranteeing the top rank–instead they will tell you that with their efforts your website will be improved and more likely to rank, especially over a long-term period of time, through on-page optimization.
Using SEO Companies
If you understand very little about Google Rankings and the internal logistics that is required to make it to the top, working alongside a reputable company is in your best interest. These companies will be up front about the cost and the expectation–a company with proven results and happy clients are the ones you should be looking towards!
The SEO company or consultant you are working with will help you develop strategies to optimize areas that are initially lacking to boost your ranking. As you work with them and develop an SEO campaign your SEO company will explain more about add-ons such as Google ads that can help your cause.
Keep in mind the budget you will have for this project because it is a constantly one and depending may not be the most-timely. Consider your options – how you will execute the project, what are your expectations, talk to your SEO representative because this will help in the long run!
How To Optimize Your Platform
Cost could be a factor as to why you have not considered other options such as working with an SEO company. A great cost-efficient way is to change the wording of your articles.
Although you can never guarantee a spot at the top or the length of time you will be on Google’s first page there are some efficient ways to make your website better to reach further onto Google’s list of viable sources.
Start by choosing the right words.
A general rule of thumb when creating content for the web is to use long-tail keywords that many people will search. This increases the probability of your website coming up–for example; as a company that specializes in content marketing if SEO is searched the probability of you coming up increases. The significance of targeting a specific amount of keywords is many companies are higher up and so the competition for those words are higher–be picky and choose some that your company can rank.
Focus on the type of writing that will appear when your company is search such as the article title and the meta description (the blurb that appears under the Google search). Having a clear description and title that fits the keywords you are targeting increases the click-rate probability and can lead to and increase in traffic on your website!
Look to Content Marketing Companies.
Many content marketing companies are tasked with creating content for a particular service or product. A cost-effective way of creating a better ranking is to have these companies develop content that contains keywords that are relevant to you. A reputable company is able to create content that is relevant, and they have prior experience in the field! Wording is important and getting articles outsourced not only saves you time but is also significantly more cost-efficient. Remember that when it comes to being on the first page, quality content matters! Focus on what you are selling and make everything count.