Week 5 of Our ‘Meet the Team’ Series!
This is the final week (for now) of our ‘Meet the Team’ series! We hope you enjoyed getting to know some of our core team members over these past few weeks.
Madeleine Taylor is the Co-Founder of Content Refined, alongside Jon Gillham. She has been the head honcho here for almost two years, as our awesome Business Manager. Madeleine is great at making sure everyone on our teams is happy and motivated, while ensuring that the business is always growing. Growing a young business like Content Refined has not been an easy task, but Madeleine has put in so much time, effort, and passion to this company. She’s super excited for the future of Content Refined, and has complete faith and trust in our team members.

Here are 5 Fun Facts about Madeleine:

We’re all so excited to meet Madeleine’s little baby very soon. This mama-to-be has achieved a lot in such a short amount of time with Content Refined, and there’s still so much room to grow and expand with this company!